People Inc. works to meet childcare needs in Buchanan County

Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025

People Inc. works to meet childcare needs in Buchanan County

Grundy, VA. – People Incorporated has received funding from the federal Department of Health and Human Services to support the expansion of Early Head Start in Buchanan County.

“We are excited to step up to serve Buchanan County families with infants and toddlers with quality early childhood education and childcare,” said People Inc. President and CEO Bryan Phipps.

Funding will initially provide twelve new center-based slots for children aged six weeks to two years old in Buchanan County. Early Head Start provides care for six hours per day, five days a week, along with healthy meals and snacks, support for the entire family, fully credentialed staff and a research-based curriculum.

People Inc. works to meet childcare needs in Buchanan County.

The need for Early Head Start was confirmed through the latest agency Community Needs Assessment, state and other local sources, and through word-of-mouth in Buchanan County. There are currently no other licensed childcare centers in Buchanan County serving this age group.

Early Head Start expansion is the first step to meeting childcare needs for the county and People Inc. is working with community partners to explore options for additional childcare in the future. People Inc. is currently converting office space in their office at 20694 Riverside Drive in Grundy for Early Head Start classrooms while working toward a permanent location.

Early Head Start classrooms are set to open in March 2025. Parents are encouraged to apply by visiting or calling 276-935-3267 or 276-619-2246.


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