Whole Family Approach provides hope for Bristol family

Lilly Mourning, a single mother of three from Bristol, Virginia, faced many challenges in her life. Her vehicle was constantly breaking down, she didn’t have a job, and one of her children had health issues.

However, things began to turn around for her when she was referred to the Whole Family Approach (WFA) at People Incorporated. The Whole Family Approach is a pilot project funded by the Virginia General Assembly in the 2019 and 2020 budget to provide one-on-one coaching and support for the entire family.

Her Whole Family coach worked with Lilly on setting personal goals as well as goals for her entire family. Working through the goals with her coach helped improve Lilly’s financial literacy and build better relationships with her children. With the help of the Whole Family Approach, Lilly saved up enough money to buy her own home and is working on buying her own car. She also landed a full-time job in local government.

Lilly now is living happily with all of her children and feels that they are in a better situation. “I wouldn’t have gotten here without the Whole Family Approach,” she said.

The Whole Family Approach aims to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty by providing families with the support and resources they need to succeed. By working with families on budgeting, goal-setting, and more, the WFA gives families the tools they need to achieve their dreams and build a better future.

Lilly’s success story is just one example of how the Whole Family Approach is changing lives in Virginia. Through this program, families are empowered to take control of their lives and break free from the cycle of poverty. Click here to learn more about the Whole Family Approach.

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